South Coast Region

Success Stories

Read about El Monte Union High School District | Electric School Buses in El Monte

Thanks to $9.8 million from California Climate Investments, El Monte Union High School District will be able to implement their Clean Mobility in Schools project, one of three projects awarded to school districts across California in 2020. These funds will help El Monte Union High School District purchase battery electric school buses and charging infrastructure, energy storage infrastructure, develop an active transportation plan, and much more, across six high schools and one bus garage.

Read about The Glass Man | Clearing the View to a Sustainable Future

The Glass Man is dedicated to conducting business with the environment in mind, and educating others along the way.

Read about Greenbar Distillery | Great Taste Without Waste!

Small Business Award winner Greenbar Distillery uses only certified organic ingredients to enhance flavors and to prevent artificial fertilizers or pesticides from contaminating farmland and groundwater.


Read about Nori's Eco Salon | The Style of a Green Business

Nori’s Eco Salon is the first hair salon to be certified by the City of Los Angeles as a green business because of their use of sustainable building materials, commitment to recycling, lowered energy consumption, use of non-toxic products, and reduced carbon footprint.

Read about Dental Healing | Combining a Passion for the Environment with Holistic Dental Health Services

Dental Healing offers services such as dental exams, complete dental health assessments, dental cleaning, zoom teeth whitening, safe mercury amalgam removal, laser cavity filling, dental implants and bridges, very low radiation and highly advanced x-rays.

Read about Luxury Auto Body | Outstanding Reputation for Auto Repair Service and Environmental Conservation

Luxury Auto Body is a full service collision repair shop that has taken a proactive approach in the areas of compliance and conservation. At Luxury Auto Body, several initiatives have been implemented to conserve water, reduce monthly energy demand, and create environmental partnerships.

Read about Crown Paper Converting | Winning the Crown in Paper Conversion and Energy Efficiency Improvements

Crown Paper Converting is a paper converting supplier that is leading the way in energy efficiency improvements and considerable utility savings. In 2013, they invested $250,000 in 440 solar panels.

Read about Santa Barbara Airbus | Moving People Towards Greener Transportation and Sustainable Business Operations

Santa Barbara (SB) Airbus is a transportation company that has implemented model green business measures in all areas of their operations. They use a water-conserving electric Eco-Power Brush and biodegradable soap when cleaning buses.

Read about ShowPro | Lights, Camera, and Energy Saving Action!

It is not easy for a special events production company to be ~100% solar powered; however, that is what ShowPro has done!  ShowPro has a high energy demand because they test bright lights and sound systems.

Read about The Refill Shoppe | Reducing Waste, One Bottle at a Time

The Refill Shoppe is an eco-conscious store offering quality bath, body, home and cleaning liquids in bulk. By allowing customers to refill their own bottle, or purchasing one of the many bottles that the store carries, customers can do their part to reduce waste in a fun way.