Greenbar Distillery

Greenbar Distillery is iconic in its stance as Los Angeles' first distillery since the Prohibition era, but it has also gaining recognition for housing the largest portfolio of organic spirits within the United States. To achieve its signature line of spirits, Greenbar uses only certified organic ingredients to enhance flavors and to prevent fertilizers or pesticides from contaminating farmland and groundwater. To reduce its carbon footprint, Greenbar installed skylights, switched to LED bulbs through the Commercial Lighting Incentive Program, and learned to cool process systems at work by recycling production water to reduce its energy consumption and increase energy efficiency. By using bottles that are 25% lighter than the average bottle of spirits, 100% post-consumer waste recycled labels with customized water-soluble inks, and avoiding the use of frosting, plastics, and metallic paints, Greenbar is reducing emissions from its manufacturing process. Not only is each bottle of spirits designed to decrease waste, the lightweight bottles also save transportation costs and fuel by decreasing the shipment weight. In addition to a sustainable approach to production, the distillery also has a unique initiative as it plants one tree for every bottle of spirits sold. As a result, more than 500,000+ trees have been planted in the rainforests of Central America, helping local communities with shade for fair trade coffee and cacao crops, while also protecting forest land and acting as a carbon sink by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. As Greenbar Distillery proudly states on its website, “Now you can choose not only to drink better, but to drink to a better world.”

Los Angeles
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