Outstanding Reputation for Auto Repair Service and Environmental Conservation
Luxury Auto Body is a full service collision repair shop that has taken a proactive approach in the areas of compliance and conservation. At Luxury Auto Body, several initiatives have been implemented to conserve water, reduce monthly energy demand, and create environmental partnerships.
The company installed a vehicle wash mat to collect wastewater and allow for water recycling. They stopped turf irrigation and converted to hardscape and low-water use plants. They used rainwater collection barrels to water plants during the drought, as well as for preparation of vehicles before painting. The approximate investment cost of water conservation activities was $4,000, resulting in a 30% decrease in water usage and saving Luxury Auto Body ~$1,050 per year.
Beyond their water conservation efforts, Luxury Auto Body installed skylight windows in the repair shop area to reduce the use of overhead lighting during day operations, allowing the business to save over $900 per year. A new energy-efficient spray booth was purchased to further reduce energy costs. Luxury Auto Body also reduced their vehicle miles traveled by incorporating web video conferencing into their business operations, saving the company $960 in annual fuel costs.
Luxury Auto Body continues to look for areas to improve its processes and protect the environment. They consulted with San Diego Gas and Electric’s (SDG&E’s) Commercial Customer Energy Specialist to learn how to reduce their energy demand. They also worked with representatives from the Pacific Recovery Services Paint Waste Container Recycling Program to reduce landfill waste and ensure proper handling of hazardous materials. This complements their written policies and annual trainings on the following: SP/2® Safety and Pollution, storm water pollution best management practices, Air Pollution Control District (APCD) compliance, EPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for technicians, and I-CAR Gold Class Certification.
The company partnered with the San Diego Air Pollution Control District (APCD) to produce compliance videos for use on the county website as well as for classroom training. The San Diego APCD has used the facility and staff to demonstrate proper compliance methods and procedures in order to educate other local small businesses. Additionally, two members from Luxury Auto Body’s management team are Board Members on the California Auto Body Association, a great outlet to educate and inform industry members on environmental sustainability policies. Luxury Auto Body is a recipient of the 2011 APCD Industrial Environmental Association (IEA) Blue Sky Leadership Award.

Luxury Auto Body offers full service collision repair to customers throughout San Diego County.
Environmental Partnerships:
- Used as a role model facility for San Diego Air Pollution Control District (APCD) compliance and training videos
- Recycle paint waste containers through Pacific Resource Recovery Services
- Consult with SDG&E’s Commercial Customer Energy Specialist to reduce their energy demand
Sustainable Features:
- Skylight installation in body shop repair area optimizes natural lighting
- Efficient paint spray booth lowers energy usage and costs
- Vehicle wash mat collects waste water and allows for water recycling
- Turf conversion to hard-scape and drought tolerant plants conserves water
- Barrels collect rainwater for use on plants and preparation of vehicles before painting
- Web video conferencing reduces the need to travel between auto repair locations
Cost Savings:
- Water conservation features cost ~ $4,000 and resulted in a 30% decrease in water usage and ~$1,050 savings per year
- Skylight installation cost ~ $2,500 and resulted in savings of over $900 per year