Los Angeles

Success Stories

Read about Greenbar Distillery | Great Taste Without Waste!

Small Business Award winner Greenbar Distillery uses only certified organic ingredients to enhance flavors and to prevent artificial fertilizers or pesticides from contaminating farmland and groundwater.


Read about Dental Healing | Combining a Passion for the Environment with Holistic Dental Health Services

Dental Healing offers services such as dental exams, complete dental health assessments, dental cleaning, zoom teeth whitening, safe mercury amalgam removal, laser cavity filling, dental implants and bridges, very low radiation and highly advanced x-rays.

Read about ShowPro | Lights, Camera, and Energy Saving Action!

It is not easy for a special events production company to be ~100% solar powered; however, that is what ShowPro has done!  ShowPro has a high energy demand because they test bright lights and sound systems.