The Bath Workshop

The Bath Workshop creates custom blended bath and body products that are all natural and safe for the environment.  They reuse packing materials when sending products to customers; use “junk mail” to pad packages; reuse boxes and bubble wrap; turn lights off when not needed throughout the shop; wash towels only when there is full load; use recycled paper products; encourage employees to bike, walk, or carpool whenever possible; and use vendors and suppliers who are committed to sustainable practices.  They also switched to lower wattage florescent bulbs and purchased a hybrid vehicle.  The Bath Workshop invites customers to bring back their “empty” containers and offers them a monetary incentive for recycling.  In their employee handbook, it states the importance of being as “green as possible” and finding ways to reduce, reuse, and save.  The employees are proud of the actions they have taken to reduce their carbon footprint, enjoy talking to customers about actions they can take to go green, and serve as role models to other businesses in town.

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