Catering to a Sustainable Crowd
In this caterer’s kitchen, creating a feast doesn’t have to be environmentally messy. Savory & Sweet’s President, Leanne Pomellitto, has been working to make her company ‘green’ while also helping clients become more environmentally- friendly. Since the business opened in 1993, Savory & Sweet Catering has implemented a few key strategies to help reduce their carbon footprint. Savory & Sweet makes it a point to drive less, conserve energy, save water, recycle, use environmentally preferable products, reduce food waste, reduce paper usage and encourage climate- friendly practices. In 2008, Savory & Sweet underwent energy, pollution prevention, water conservation and waste audits. Upon completion of these audits they became Sunnyvale’s first Green Business certified caterer.
What Actions Did Savory & Sweet Take to Drive Less?
As caterers, Savory & Sweet delivers food and equipment to companies and party sites. They have reduced their fuel consumption in many ways. They try to combine deliveries so that they have fewer trucks on the road at any one time. To avoid being on the road during peak traffic times, they offer clients other pick up times at reduced fees. When staffing is required for an event, their scheduling department works with employees to organize carpools to save on fuel and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
What Actions Did Savory & Sweet Take to Save Energy?
In their offices, Savory & Sweet reduces energy usage by using task lighting wherever possible. They also upgraded their lighting to more energy efficient bulbs. As for heating and cooling, they are fortunate to have many windows and doors. They created a schedule of opening the windows and doors to keep the office cool in the summer based on the position of the sun.
What Actions Did Savory & Sweet Take to Conserve Water?
Savory & Sweet uses low flow water restrictors on their high powered kitchen faucets to save water. They also upgraded their hot water heater to a more energy efficient machine.
What Actions Did Savory & Sweet Take to Buy Green?
Savory & Sweet uses recycled and post-consumer content products when possible, including compostable dining utensils when requested over reusable utensils. Products are purchased in bulk with minimal wrapping to reduce waste, reusable mugs are used at the office, and vendors are required to ship using less packaging.
Savory & Sweet has taken catering to a whole new level by offering sustainable services to clients while reducing their own impact on the environment.

Savory and Sweet's employees make an effort to carpool to events whenever possible to reduce their vehicle miles traveled.

Green certified caterer that implemented energy efficiency practices as well as recycling and transportation policies to reduce their impact
Actions to Save Water & Drive Clean
- Carpools staff to catering events
- Upgraded lighting and uses task lighting
- Recycles all paper, cardboard, glass and bottles
- Uses low flow water restrictors on kitchen high powered faucets
- Upgraded hot water heater
- Uses a timer for heating offices
- Distributes an electronic newsletter that features a green section
Estimated Yearly Cost Savings:
- 12% on fuel costs
- 10% on electrical bill
"We became a green company by doing the right things for our business, our customers, and our community. First, we desired to minimize our impact on the environment. We chose better and friendlier products; we purchased services from like minded businesses, and looked for ways for our customers to lessen their impact on the environment." - Leanne Pomellitto, President & CEO, Savory & Sweet Catering