Environmentally Friendly Auto Repair
Established in 1947, Pacific Motor Service has been an environmentally friendly shop since its inception. Having gone through the “Green Shop” inspection/qualification process, several areas did require attention, and in some cases, wholesale change. The shop decided to take the necessary steps to become more environmentally friendly.
Pacific Motor Service has been certified by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) as a Pollution Prevention Model Shop. This certification was created by the DTSC to reduce environmental pollution from commercial garages. Shops that want to be certified as a model shop must first undergo a shop assessment, then implement required changes to reduce or eliminate pollution and train employees in ways to prevent pollution, and finally, must score at least 100 points on the Model Shop Pollution Prevention Checklist.
Pacific Motor Service is one of only two auto repair shops in Monterey County that are certified green businesses through the Monterey Bay Green Business Program.
What Actions Did Pacific Motor Take to Update Cleaning Equipment?
They purchased aqueous parts cleaning systems for general purpose cleaning and brake system service. They found the use of the two machines has improved technician’s efficiency, especially with the brake system cleaner. They stopped using the aerosol cleaners that have been an industry standard for decades, saving money for both the company and customers. Their technicians realize the potential heath benefits by using this equipment and are much happier as a result.
What Actions Did Pacific Motor Take to Control Hazardous Waste and Storm Water Runoff?
They enclosed the storage area for waste coolant, waste oil and scrap metal. They changed the procedure for spill containment, shop floor management and instituted the 4 step method for small spill clean up. Clean mop water is directed into the city sewer system. They changed their policy on battery core storage and return. They upgraded their new product dispensing heads to an updated style, covered shop floor drain openings, and posted “do not dump into storm drain” signs at the two parking lot storm drains.
What Actions Did Pacific Motor Take to Save Energy and Cut Waste?
Pacific Motor uses florescent lighting throughout the building. All office and shop support equipment is turned off at night and on weekends. Low flow faucet heads and toilets were installed to reduce water use. When possible, they use clean mop water for outside landscape. They reduced and in some cases eliminated paper forms, memos and message pads, and use their computer network to facilitate these needs. They reuse “waste” paper for making internal document copies and special notice postings. They use recycled paper and office products as available. They upgraded some of their office equipment to energy efficient units including: printers, computer monitors, computer server, fax machine, and answering machine. They also recycle motor oil so it doesn’t end up in the landfill.
Pacific Motor Service has taken the necessary steps to become a certified green business and an environmentally friendly auto repair shop.
Their next project involves installing a $45,000 solar panel array in 2010 to save energy.
“Our industry has had a poor reputation when it comes to environmental stewardship. We intend to change that perception." - Kevin Donohoe, Pacific Motor Service CEO and President

A certified green auto repair shop offering inspections, repairs, and preventative maintenance.
Actions to Cut Waste & Conserve Water
- Converted all lighting to energy efficient fluorescent fixtures (cost: $8,000)
- Converted water faucets and shower heads to low flow (cost: $1,500)
- Changed toilets to low water use units (cost $1,000)
- Exterior lighting on motion sensitive timers (cost: $500)
- Landscape irrigation modification to conserve water (cistern) (cost: $500)
- Sealed production floor space (prevents fluid absorption) (cost: $22,000)
- Uses recycled paper products in office
- Minimizes fax use
- Lighting system is on timers (cost: $1,000)
- Solar panel installation- (estimated cost: $45,000)