Event Hosting with a Touch of Sustainability
My Conference Essentials (aka MCE Checkin) provides innovative event organization services for weddings, trade shows, conferences, and private engagements in the Sacramento region. MCE uses modern eCheck-in technology to provide clients with a streamlined registration system that also prevents unnecessary paper waste. Through this rapid check-in system, customers can avoid slow paperwork, long lines, and static seating arrangements.
Most event organizers print a list of name tags for all registrants prior to an event and end up trashing name tags for no-shows. To prevent this waste, MCE uses an eConcierge system that allows customers to make last minute changes to registration information and print out their name tags instantly upon arrival. For these stations, staff provide registrants with tablets, the latest ENERGY STAR printers, and use rechargeable batteries in all electronic devices. Following events, badge returns are incentivized with treats. MCE then recycles the paper and reuses the plastic name tag sleeves for future events. MCE estimates it saves customers an average of $300 per event through the mitigation of paper, ink, and battery waste.
MCE staff come into contact with a large and diverse range of people through the numerous events they host. Staff use this opportunity to remind attendees to be environmentally conscious with flyers that state “reduce your carbon footprint”. This message was even incorporated onto the back of MCE’s business cards. Over time this message has reached thousands of people across the Sacramento region.

Business Snapshot
My Conference Essentials is leading the way to a more sustainable future, eliminating unnecessary waste at every turn, and encouraging their clients to do the same.
- Minimize printing waste using eCheck-in system
- Use ENERGY STAR printers
- Use rechargeable batteries in all electronic devices
- Incentivize name-badge recycling
- Encourage clientele to reduce their carbon footprint with strategic messaging on flyers and business cards