Sustainable from Bark to Bottle
Lafitte Cork & Capsule is committed to improving the sustainability of their products as well as their operations. Lafitte’s Green Business Initiative grows out of their long term family commitment to create a sustainable business model.
Over the last several years Lafitte has taken steps to truly incorporate sustainability into every aspect of the company. They installed a 52.4 kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) solar array providing 100% of their electrical needs, replaced all disposable kitchen ware in the staff break room with reusable plates and utensils, and worked with other green businesses and suppliers to create an environmentally preferred purchasing policy. These are just a few of the actions they have taken to advance their green practices.
All cork closures produced by Lafitte are 100% natural and biodegradable, generate zero waste during productions, and emit 75% less CO2 than synthetic closures or screw caps. Harvested cork trees store between 3 and 5 times more CO2 than trees not harvested.
What Actions Did Lafitte Take to Save Energy?
Aside from installing a 52.4 kilowatt PV solar system, Lafitte tinted 2,300 square feet of their windows which cut down on cooling demands. They also replaced fluorescent lights with T8 lamps.
What Actions Did Lafitte Take to Cut Waste?
Lafitte installed low flow toilets and faucets in all restrooms to reduce water usage and implemented a paperless filing system, saving approximately 100,000 pieces of office paper each year. Lafitte encourages their employees to bring in their own cell phones, computers, printer cartridges, and batteries for recycling.
“They [Lafitte] will take our returned boxes and reuse them or recycle them depending on their condition. They even offer to take competitors’ boxes! In every corner of the Napa facility is a recycling bin along with signage above every light and faucet requesting energy/resource conservation,” says customer Meredith McGough of Opus One.
What Actions Did Lafitte Take to Buy Green?
Lafitte purchases recycled content office supplies from paper to pens. For office documents that require a shredding service, Lafitte chose a company that drives an eco-friendly fleet of trucks, provide 100% recycled wood consoles, has a paper recycling program, and has a commitment to improve their environmental policies. Lafitte shares their eco-vision with their customers and encourages them to become green as well.
How Have Laffite Cork & Capsule’s Efforts been Recognized?
Their efforts have paid off; they are now a certified Bay Area Green Business and have been awarded a Small Business Award by and its partners two years in a row! Lafitte also participates in the Cork Quality Council’s Sustainability Program.
“We understand that sustainability is an attitude and ever evolving. Every employee at Lafitte USA has contributed to our green initiative and as a team we will continue to improve.” - Ali Capanksy, Quality Assurance Coordinator

A green production and distribution facility for wine corks and capsules that adopted sustainable practices for facility operations.
Climate Friendly Actions:
- Installed solar photovoltaic system that replaced 100% of their energy needs
- Installed 2,300 sq ft of window tinting and retrofitted all fluorescent lamps to T8
- Installed low flow toilets and faucets in all restrooms
• Implemented electronic paperless filing to reduce paper consumption and increase office efficiency - Provides free recycling services to all customers of used cork boxes
- Minimizes packaging
- Partners with other green businesses
- Purchases recycled office products and reusable break room supplies
- Recycles all hazardous waste
Estimated Yearly Reductions:
- Cost Savings: $20,000 on energy bills
- Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions:
- 107.5 metric tons of CO2 from solar PV system
- 2.67 metric tons of CO2 from paperless electronic filing