Community Leaders for a Greener Tomorrow
Crestwood Healing Center is a behavioral health services provider which has gone above and beyond to reduce their carbon footprint and serve as a beacon of sustainability in their community. By implementing a sustainability team and creating a position for a Sustainability Coordinator, they have devised creative strategies to cut waste, reduce energy consumption, improve client satisfaction and have fun while doing it!
Seeing a need for greater environmental responsibility and an opportunity to make a significant impact, Crestwood made numerous operational changes with sustainability in mind. Single-use items such as tableware, napkins, water cups and pill containers have all been replaced with reusable versions. For 2016, staff estimate they avoided sending over 100,000 paper napkins and over 90,000 plastic cups to the landfill, saving almost $2,000 in the process.
To reduce water usage, the facility identified and repaired all leaks, installed low-flow toilets and shower heads, and replaced faucet aerators. Staff even took it upon themselves to design a garden irrigation system using water collected from washing fruits and vegetables. In 2016 alone, water savings were greater than one million gallons. For these water saving efforts, the facility was awarded a water conservation certificate by the Contra Costa Water District Board and deemed “a model for the surrounding community”.

Other facility upgrades include the installation of overhead LED lighting, recycling and composting programs, high-efficiency appliances, a green purchasing policy, and much more. Staff and residents also found that upcycling waste products into works of art is a great way to connect with the planet. From planters to office decorations, Crestwood Healing Center knows how to put a fun and creative spin on waste reduction.
Crestwood Healing Center continues to come up with creative new ways to reduce their carbon footprint. With regular meetings, educational events, and a desire to make a difference, there is no telling what this organization may try next! Through community education and an upcoming organization-wide initiative, the facility’s impact is set to expand exponentially.

Business Snapshot
Crestwood Healing Center has taken a holistic view of their business’ environmental impact and pursued a comprehensive set strategies to reduce their footprint!
LED overhead lighting
High-efficiency appliances
Low-flow toilets, showerheads, and sinks
Gray water garden irrigation system
100,000 paper napkins (~$900 savings)
90,000 plastic cups (~$1,000 savings)
1.1 milllion gallons of water (~$4,500 savings)