Cleaner Trucking
Demonstrating their commitment to sustainability, Chavez Trucking, replaced old, heavy diesel trucks with new ones to reduce their carbon footprint and increase fuel efficiency.
Through the Sacramento Emergency Clean Air Transportation Program, a program that provided incentives for owners of heavy-duty vehicles to replace them with more efficient ones, Chavez Trucking replaced 16 old trucks with new ones, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fuel use. These actions increase fuel efficiency by 1.5 miles per gallon, saving them over $80,000 per year!
To further reduce fuel consumption, fleet vehicles are equipped with computers that will turn off the truck after it has been idling for 3 minutes, eliminating unnecessary fuel consumption. In addition, drivers are being trained on efficient shifting parameters to prevent trucks from operating at a high RPM, a practice that saves the company another 7 percent in fuel use and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Chavez Trucking has dedicated themselves to investing in green technology to reduce their operating costs, fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as training their operators on eco-friendly driving techniques, in hopes of serving as a model to the trucking industry.