Santa Barbara (SB) Airbus is a transportation company that implemented model green business measures in all areas of their operations. They use a water-conserving electric Eco-Power Brush and biodegradable soap when cleaning buses, and the majority of employees walk, ride the bus, skate, or bike to work. To encourage employees to ride their bikes to work, they provide on-site bike storage and shower and locker facilities. SB Airbus implemented a very successful recycling program for passengers on their buses. They have reduced use of disposable paper products, provide reusable dishware for food and drink consumption, and started a small composting program. They redesigned their Daytrip Calendar from a glossy newsletter to an electronic version. Their energy and water bills are kept low by using LED lighting, motion detectors, low-flow fixtures, drought resistant landscaping, and a hybrid electric water heater. They are currently in the process of installing solar panels on the roof of their maintenance building. All employees are trained on SB Airbus’s sustainable practices and the staff gives tours and lectures about their practices to K-12 and college students. SB Airbus is a certified Santa Barbara County Green Business. The company provides bus transportation to the annual awards ceremony for certified green businesses, and assists businesses in getting certified through the county’s green business program. SB Airbus is a true force of sustainability in the community.