Award Manufacturer Wins Sustainability Award
As the first business to be certified “green” by the City of Thousand Oaks, Conejo Awards is considered a leader in green innovation. Conejo Awards, an awards and promotional materials retailer, remains committed to being environmentally responsible in all aspects of their business.
To reduce waste, Conejo Awards transitioned to 100 percent online billing and purchasing, eliminating paper invoices, envelopes and mailing costs. In addition, 90 percent of Conejo’s marketing is done online, decreasing the need for paper catalogues and flyers. Instead, clients are contacted using email, SkypeTM and GoToMeeting, reducing over 800 miles of commuting per month and saving 11 tons CO2 per year! For those times when employees must commute, Conejo bought an Audi A3 TDi, a clean diesel car that boosts their fuel economy to 48 mpg, saving 10 tons of CO2 a year and $2,900 in associated costs.
Employees follow a formal, written environmental policy explaining simple actions around the business that have a big impact. Currently, 100 percent of all scrap brass, aluminum and plastic from their production facility is collected by employees and recycled. In return for their efforts, employees split the profit made from recycling the scrap metal. Employees also use non-toxic cleaning products with a Green Seal certification to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.
Throughout the years, Conejo Awards has remained committed to the environment, reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and saving money. Conejo Awards is the proud recipient of CoolCalifornia’s 2010 Small Business Award and the 2013 Business of the Year Award.
Energy Efficiency
To reduce electricity use, Conejo Awards implemented procedures to help manage office equipment energy use. All office equipment and electronics are attached to a power strip that is turned off at the end of the day, ensuring all equipment is powered down and reducing “vampire” energy use. The light fixtures use energy efficient light bulbs while the large office equipment, like computers, printers, microwaves and refrigerators are ENERGY STAR® certified. Sky lights provide natural lighting, reducing the need for fluorescent lighting in the store. To further reduce electricity use, Conejo Awards also uses programmable thermostats, enabling them to adjust the settings to be more efficient. Combined electricity savings have totaled more than 8 percent.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction
In addition to their focus on energy efficiency, Conejo Awards bought two hybrid vehicles to replace old, less fuel efficient ones, saving the company on average $7,800 per year. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to employee commutes, 25 percent of Conejo Award employees carpool. Conjeo Awards even replaced an employee’s car with a more fuel efficient model!
Recycle and Cut Waste
Conejo Awards makes a concerted effort to recycle and cut waste. Old office appliances, like computers and printers, are donated to local charities, giving them a second life and helping local non-profits. All new purchases are made with their environmental impact in mind, and all printers must be compatible with refillable ink cartridges. When used, all paper products are made of recycled material and reused as scratch paper when possible. Together, employees and owners at Conejo Awards work together to make the business more environmentally friendly through simple actions and thoughtful purchases.

Conejo Awards creates custom awards, trophies and promotional materials using an environmentally-friendly process. Conejo Awards has been recognized twice by CoolCalifornia for their sustainable business actions. In 2013, Conejo Awards received the CoolCalifornia Business of the Year Award.
Green Actions:
- Purchase only refillable ink cartridges and 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper
- 90 percent of marketing is done online versus print catalogues
- Recycle 100 percent of brass, aluminum and plastic that pass through their production facility
Cost Savings and Emissions Reductions:
- Reduced electricity use by 25 percent
- Reduced travel by 800 miles a month, saving over 11 tons CO2 per year