Monterey County Weekly is an independent and locally owned paper that has become a recognized leader for journalism and community service, and now, sustainability. In 2013, their headquarters building, constructed in 1960, became the first commercial building in the tri-county area (Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito) to obtain Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) platinum certification. This effort took nearly two years to complete and included a significant commitment in time, resources, and money. They replaced all glass with double-pane insulated windows and doors; updated furnaces; installed a 33KW solar array (resulting in a cost savings of ~ $10,000/year and recognition as the first newspaper in the country to run on 100% solar power); added drip irrigation; installed low flow toilets and low flow aerators on the faucets in all bathrooms; updated computers to more energy efficient systems; and installed LED lights throughout the building. They also reduced their waste by composting and redirecting nearly 80% of it into the recycling stream. Monterey County Weekly also incorporates green practices into their Employee Handbook; encourages staff to walk or bike to work; provides weekly delivery of local organic produce to the staff; offers free health club memberships; sponsors a local green business conference; and supports local environmentally-focused nonprofit organizations.