Clean Solar

As a solar installer in both the residential and commercial sectors, it is in Clean Solar’s nature to lower energy costs by reducing GHG emissions. However, as they have lowered clients' GHG emissions, they have also taken significant actions to reduce their own. At Clean Solar, they purchase recycled printer paper, toilet paper, paper towels, office supplies, office furniture, and compostable catering supplies. They have a printer dedicated to recycled paper (utilizing both sides of a page before recycling it); they recycle toner cartridges; they have designated bins for recycling paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, and composting; and they use real dishes and utensils instead of throwing away or recycling paper or plastic items. In addition to replacing light bulbs with LEDs, they monitor and record their energy usage and have reduction targets for energy consumption. With Networkfleet software, they monitor their vehicle greenhouse gas emissions and are able to plan trips to use less fuel, reduce emissions, and save money. They have also worked with their landlord to implement energy efficiency improvements. Clean Solar’s green efforts extend beyond the office and into the local community. They have been involved with the Adopt-A-Highway Program for the past seven years, cleaning up a portion of Highway 87. For every installation, they donate $150 to a charity in the name of the customer and, since 2007, have donated more than $200,000 to local charities including many focused on the environment (e.g., The Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund,, and The Nature Conservancy).

San Jose
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