Capitol Bowl is a small, family-owned bowling center with a full-service restaurant and bar. Built in the 1950s, the facility was newly remodeled when the owners became aware of their carbon footprint. To help reduce their footprint, Capitol Bowl switched from disposable food service ware to reusable, and switched from Styrofoam to cardboard take-out containers. The owners built a patio with a xeriscape garden and installed energy-efficient blinds. This past year, they took their efforts up a notch by adding rooftop solar, switching the parking lot lights to LED, and starting a water conservation program. Before adding the PV solar panels and LED lighting, their utility bills averaged $7,000 per month for electricity and gas. When the PV system went live their monthly bill fell to about $1,800. Today, Capitol Bowl can boast that many of its employees bicycle to work, and the business uses highly efficient natural gas kitchen appliances, and sources and serves food from local farmers. Capitol Bowl says it took three years to transform the old, hot building into an energy-smart, water conserving, beautiful bowling center and restaurant. The business’s remodeling efforts were worth it and even earned Capitol Bowl local media attention on KVIE’s “Yes, We’re Open” TV show and a feature article in the Sacramento Business Journal!