Preserving the Environment While Enjoying its Resources
Granlibakken Tahoe, a conference center and resort, has worked to preserve the area’s natural environment through waste stream reduction, energy conservation efficiency, and water conservation actions. As part of their waste management program, the company maintains separate recycling and collection bins for beverage bottles and cans, paper, cardboard, batteries and fluorescent light bulbs. Kitchen grease is collected in a special container and disposed of properly. Road sand is swept and gathered at the end of the season and reused for snow removal the following year.
To promote water conservation, the company placed signs in the restrooms asking guests to hang their towels if they do not need fresh towels. The restrooms are equipped with faucets that turn off automatically and low flow shower heads have been installed. Guests are encouraged to drink tap water and to refill any re-usable drinking bottles with tap water.
Granlibakken continues to update lighting and appliances with more efficient systems, as they have replaced T12 and incandescent bulbs with T8 and compact fluorescent bulbs and are in the process of replacing T8 bulbs with LED tubes where available. They have replaced manual switches with motion sensors and timers with light sensors. They have replaced the conference center heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, installed new refrigeration systems for walk-in freezers and coolers, and installed Intelli- Hood kitchen hood systems and controls to reduce energy usage.
They implemented a water conservation program that has reduced their water consumption by 40%. They have replaced thermostats on gas fireplaces with timers and are encouraging owners to remove baseboard electric heating in rooms with gas fireplace appliances and use contemporary thermostats to control the more efficient heating source. The water conservation and energy efficiency improvements were financed by Money for Property Owner Water and Energy Efficiency Retrofitting or mPower. Placer County and the Sierra Business Council have used Granlibakken’s mPower process as a model for other businesses to follow.
To decrease the number of vehicles on the road, the resort utilizes the North Lake Tahoe Airport Shuttle service to transport guests to and from the airport. In the winter months, skiers can take free shuttles from Granlibakken to Alpine Meadows, Squaw Valley and Homewood Mountain Resort. Granlibakken has continued to be an active participant in forest management as they developed a plan to reduce the risk of wildfires on their land that has been approved by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency/Fire Department. The plan is now used as a model by the North Tahoe Fire Protection District.
“In the long run it benefits customers, they like the message, and for you, when you get up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and can say I did the right thing.” - Ron Parson CEO, Granlibakken Tahoe

Granlibakken Resort is family-owned, conference center and lodge covering 74 wooded acres in a scenic mountain valley.
Green Practices:
- Participated in pilot program with local waste management to separate and compost kitchen waste
- Implemented water conservation program resulting in a 40% reduction in water consumption
- Placed signs in all bathrooms asking guests to hang their towels for re-use
- Maintains separate bins for beverage bottles and cans, paper, cardboard, batteries and fluorescent light bulbs
Office Renovations:
- Replaced conference center heating and air conditioning system with high efficiency appliances
- Installed new refrigeration systems for walk-in freezers and coolers
- Installed Intelli-Hood smart kitchen hood systems and controls
- Replaced T12 lightbulbs with T8 lightbulbs
- Replacing manual switches with automated switches with motion sensors
- Installing timers on gas fireplaces
- Promoted the replacement of single pane windows with double pane windows in the privately owned condominiums