Combining Luxury and Sustainability
Casa Madrona, a sixty-three room hotel and spa, combines all the luxury of contemporary accommodations with the feel of a traditional inn, while staying committed to the environment. The hotel purchases environmentally friendly products, such as re-fillable amenity bottles and recycled-content paper. Casa Madrona takes resource conservation seriously by using water efficient fixtures, installing energy efficient appliances, and promoting public transportation to conserve fossil fuels. The hotel also takes extra steps necessary to provide employee education on resource conservation and pollution prevention, and provide incentives for sustainable actions.
Casa Madrona is committed to reducing waste and conserving resources. Many items purchased by Casa Madrona for use in the hotel are reusable or recyclable, and each room contains a recycle bin. Bathroom shelves are made of recycled, handmade glass and the counter tops are made of eco-friendly quartz. All rooms have water efficient toilets, urinals, shower heads and faucets installed to reduce water consumption.
Casa Madrona is in the process of implementing green building concepts into their current renovations. Their dedication to sustainable business operations and green policies have led them to win the CoolCalifornia Climate Leader award.
What is Casa Madrona doing to conserve energy?
Energy efficient lighting is used in the hotel and motion sensors are placed in the bathrooms to reduce energy consumption. Casa Madrona posts conservation reminders to turn off electric devices when unattended to avoid wasting energy in every room. All electrical appliances are ENERGY STAR® rated and all items are outfitted with rechargeable batteries. Casa Madrona monitors all utilities within the hotel to verify that the monthly bill statement accurately reflects energy usage.
What is Casa Madrona doing to conserve fuel?
The hotel strongly urges the use of public transportation and cleaner alternatives for commuters. A “Commuter Check” program is offered as part of employee open enrollment and a new hire packet. Several of the hotel staff carpool across the Golden Gate bridge to get to work.
What other actions is Casa Madrona taking to maintain a healthy environment?
Casa Madrona allows its employees the option to work at any of the sister hotels if it will shorten the drive to work and reduce emission of pollutants from vehicle exhaust.
Casa Madrona also supports the local economy by turning to local artists for its interior decorating. Purchasing from local artist, as opposed to buying from the internet or distant retailers, also reduces resources used in packaging and saves fuel burned in transportation.
Casa Madrona actively engages its employees to create a cleaner and greener work environment. Casa Madrona educates its employees on resource conservation, pollution prevention, correct recycling methods, and eco-friendly purchasing through training programs and brown bag sessions. Casa Madrona believes that purchasing environmentally friendly products, such as Low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) cleaners, carpets and paints, to improve air quality and maintains the health of customers and staff.

Casa Madrona installed low flow bathroom fixtures, like faucets and shower heads, in every room to ensure maximum water conservation. Casa Madrona incorporates environmental friendliness while pampering guests at its hotel and spa.
Green Business Actions:
- Uses energy efficient appliances
- Installed low energy use light fixtures with motion sensors
- Documents sent and saved electronically
- Provides in-room recycling containers
- Installed water-efficient toilets, sinks, and showers
- Purchases recyclable and reusable supplies
- Implements hotel composting system
- Promotes public transportation and commuting alternatives
- Monitors monthly energy use
- Purchases decorations from local artists
- Member of green programs such, as the Green Hotels Association, Green Business Bureau, Green Key Global, and iStayGreen