Bringing the “A-Game” for Sustainable Business Practices
Allterra Solar is an all-around proactive company that educates its employees and peers on environmental technology and sustainability. They are an outstanding solar company that evaluates the customer’s energy needs and provides quality reliable installation and service.
Leading by example, Allterra Solar has adopted its own environmental policy. The policy incorporates actions to: conserve energy, water, and natural resources; purchase environmentally preferable products; reuse, recycle, and reduce; and promote environmental education, outreach, and awareness. As an example, they educate their employees on what is recyclable and post recycling information at receptacles. Other specific actions include using less toxic materials, buying energy saving office equipment, and encouraging employees to use alternative transportation.
Allterra Solar worked with the Climate Action Team at the City of Santa Cruz. The team held meetings in which a number of Allterra Solar employees completed a workbook that tracked and calculated their individual carbon emissions. As a result, each employee completed a personal carbon dioxide Reduction Action Plan to implement conservation practices in their own lifestyle. This process was very educational, employees came away impressed with the knowledge they gained, and Allterra Solar became more of a team when communicating environmental sustainability to their external customers.
Allterra Solar took their efforts further and became a Monterey Bay Area Certified Green Business. They said, “The process made us even more aware and ultimately more conscious of the environment and the myriad ways that business operations can positively, or adversely, affect it.” Their biggest challenge was implementing standard operations to become a green business, and as the business grew, making sure to train all employees on how to maintain those green standards. After obtaining their certification, Allterra Solar now helps answer questions for fellow business owners who are thinking about becoming a certified business.
Additionally, Allterra Solar conducts community education and outreach activities, such as hands-on training in schools for grey water, rain water, and solar electric systems. They also publicize their own achievements through marketing materials and social media outlets. Notably, Allterra Solar is the official Sustainability Partner of the Santa Cruz Warriors (a NBA d-League Affiliate) and a member of Think Local First.

Allterra Solar specializes in solar design and build, groundwater remediation, water systems and energy efficiency retrofits for residential and commercial clients.
Green Practices:
- Buys 100% recycled content paper
- Utilizes hybrid, electric, or biofuel vehicles whenever possible
- Purchases ENERGY STAR rated equipment
- Implements construction waste management practices to ensure maximum recycling
Cost Savings:
- Saves $25+ per month on electric bill by installing energy efficient lighting through PG&E and CPUC Right Lights Rebate Program
- Estimated $200+ per month saved by employees utilizing the company alternative transportation methods