Lead Authority: Public Works – Traffic & Transportation
- Update and implement Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
- Integrate rail, bus, bicycle and pedestrian networks to improve multimodal travel
- Fill gaps in the sidewalk and bikeway system of the City
- Prioritize connectivity of active transportation facilities in disadvantaged and low-income communities
Progress Metrics
- Increase in bicycle lane & trail miles1
- 100% connected sidewalk network1
- Increase in miles of streets that meet complete street design standards1
Implementation Measures
- Ordinance requiring secure bike storage facilities for significant new private development
- Develop complete streets standards. Require all new road construction to be designed to these standards and identify streets for complete streets improvements
- Require all new developments to include connected sidewalks and bicycle storage facilities
- Provide an incentive program for employees who bike or walk as their main form of commuting
- Partner with Metropolitan Planning Organization to encourage active transportation choices through programs such as May is Bike Month
- Use temporary, low cost demonstrations of complete street improvements such as traffic calming measures and protected bicycle lanes
- Host workshops with bicycle & walk audits where participants can identify areas that need improvements
- Host events that encourage bicycling such as free community bike maintenance workshops
- Active Transportation program
- Permit Data