Efficient Land Use

Lead Authority: Community Development – Planning Division          Supporting Measures: SB 375



  • Facilitate development of high-density, mixed-use urban cores
  • Create more opportunities for residents in the city to stay local and take shorter trips
  • Limit sprawl and excess parking
  • Ensure new developments do not negatively impact or price out existing residents

Progress metrics

  • Percent of new developments in high-density and mixed-use zoned areas1
  • Percent increase in jobs/housing ratio within city2
  • Percent increase in walkability index score3
  • Number of parking spaces per unit in new developments1

Implementation Measures


  • Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to allow a reduction in minimum parking requirements and allow for parking maximums in high-density zoned areas, create standards that will allow for flexible parking reductions.
  • Establish an urban growth boundary for new developments and identify primary locations for infill development
  • Create an impact fee for new projects outside of priority development areas to encourage development in locations with high accessibility to destinations such as jobs, retail, and other attractions.
  • Implement measures focused on tenant protections for current residents, such as just-cause eviction ordinance and rent stabilization.


  • Offer development incentives and streamlined permitting for designated high-density or mixed-use development
  • Incentivize new businesses to locate near major residential areas


  • Increase awareness of local businesses, facilities, and events to encourage more local activity with shorter trips for residents


  • Transformative Climate Communities program
  • Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program