Green Businesses prevent pollution, minimize waste, and conserve energy, water, and other resources. Go green and save money, increase employee productivity, and be recognized in your community for your environmental leadership.
Plan to Be A Green Biz
Contact Your Local Green Business Program Coordinator
Receive free advice and technical assistance from your local Green Business Program coordinator and their public agency/utility partners. Coordinators will help you learn more about the Green Business Standards, what it takes to become a Green Business and to apply.
Comply with Applicable Environmental Regulations
Staff will work with your business and local agencies to verify that you are complying with any applicable environmental regulations. This could include site visits from wastewater, storm water, hazardous materials/waste, and air quality regulators, depending on your business type. Green Business program staff provide technical assistance to ensure your business is in compliance.
Use Green Business checklists to select and record measures to conserve resources and prevent pollution.
Every Green Business program has unique checklists that incorporate actions similar to those described in the Small Business Toolkit. Your business may already be doing enough to qualify.
Pledge to Stay Green
Use our Carbon Calculator for Small Businesses to find your business carbon footprint and pledge actions to help your business become green.
Interactive information exchange network that provides current information on Pollution Prevention/Source Reduction. Compilation of on-line tools and off-line organizations in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Samoa, and Nevada).
Leading online news and information resource on how to align environmental responsibility with business success. Includes resources specifically designed for small businesses, including Greening your Business: A Primer for Small Companies. -
Business Council on Climate Change
San Francisco Bay Area businesses partnership committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Members share ideas and case studies, identify useful tools, participate in educational forums and establish best practices.